Remediating mold in a warehouse

Recently we were brought into a situation where a warehouse was being retrofitted for a new customer. Within the old warehouse were misting units that were used to provide a light mist to fresh produce being stored for distribution. Over the years, mold had built up on the units and now that the units were being removed and replaced, the mold needed to be remediated prior to the safe removal of the misting machines. The mold spores did not appear to be active. This type of abrasive blasting uses baking soda (technically referred to as sodium bicarbonate) blasted using pressurized air, to target mold growth on surfaces. The sodium bicarbonate crystals, while similar to those used in your fridge to stop odors, are specifically engineered to be used as medium in the blasting process. The particles, when viewed under magnification, are sharp and angular like knives. However, the key feature of soda is that it is very soft and won't damage the substrate, e.g., PVC, ductwork, modern ...